Prayers for all of you

Hi Folks,

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very happy Holiday season.  Know that we here at the Tracker School are praying for you, your family and your loved ones.  It is so important during this season that we all reach out to each other especially with these tense and trying times we are all facing.  In this season of giving please remember the Earth and all things of the Earth, our brothers and sisters who at this time of the year have such a difficult time with diminishing food sources.  Give back to the wildlife by also including gifts to them for a small hand full of seed could mean the difference between life and death.  It is not enough to be a caretaker of the Earth for now we must become healers.  Please check out the COTEF web page for time and dates for the annual “Gifts to the Animals” gathering.  Blessings to all and In Love & Medicine, Tom & Celeste.

Ceremony/The Legacy

Hi Folks,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to everyone who signed up for the online Ceremony class beginning tonight.  I must admit that it is a class that has a selfish nature to it because now more than ever I want to see these old ways preserved and passed down so that they are not forgotten.  It was a promise I made to Grandfather long ago that these old ways, these ceremonies, traditions, chants, songs, and mythology would never die with me.  I think that you will all be very surprised how much more there is to this class than you can imagine.  It is not just about preservation and legacy but a personal transformation, an enlightenment, a personal healing, and a profound connection to the Ancient Ones, the unseen and eternal.  From Ceremonies honoring the Earth to very powerful healing ceremonies, all will be thoroughly covered.  I’m excited that it is finally going to be reality.

I also know that many of you are very concerned about the fast unfolding events throughout the World and realize that when Grandfather called this year “Winter Kill” you can now see why.  So much has happened, so many things so close to home, all of us are deeply concerned of what lies ahead, in that the year is not over until the full moon of January.  It is then the rate of decline and collapse will continue unchecked and events will become more horrific and unimaginable.  Sometime this week I’m going to send out a special video blog that will help easy your concern and tension.  I want to use the blog to teach you something very profound and moving that will protect and guide both you and your family in the dark days that lay ahead.  Until then, I want to thank you all so very much and my prayers are forever with you.

In Medicine, Tom