A Suggestion

Hi Folks,

There is a documentary on HULU about Greta Thunberg that might interest you. It shows what just one person can do to help heal the Earth and it’s very inspirational to say the very least. The disturbing fact comes at the end of the program in that 212 Environmental Activists have been assassinated in 2019 and the numbers are suspected tor rise for this year. Many of the murders however are never reported which means that the numbers are much higher. Read between the lines.

Stay safe and stay aware, Blessings and In Medicine, Tom

Pray with Passion

Hi Folks,

On Monday will be the full moon of November and many of you have heard the prophecy and the Vision of the Lightning Owls. Many of you have asked me what you can do at this pivotal time and my answer is simple; pray hard and pray often. I’m always amazed at the power of prayer because like noting else it is one of the most powerful, healing and enlightening things we can do. Now more than ever we need to come together and collectively send out our prayers for the dark times are upon us and it’s going to get much worse.

Beware of the calm before the storm.

Blessings to all of you. In Medicine, Tom

A Huge Thank You

Hi Folks,

I just want to tell you what a tremendous relief I feel because the Tracker Camp and Grandfather’s Camp will have caretakers. I was shocked at the response I received just moments after I wrote the post requesting a caretaker for camp. Folks were willing to drop everything and rush to camp to protect it and that so deeply moved me it brought me to tears. I’ve now selected a few Caretakers for the camp but I’m deeply grateful to all of you who responded so quickly. Thank you, Thank you! Blessings and In Medicine, Tom

Temporary Caretaker Needed

Hi Folks,

I need someone or preferably two people to take care of our Tracker Camp in the Pine Barrens for 4 to 6 weeks while our instructor/caretaker Conrad is away visiting his family. The person I had lined up to take the position backed out on me and I don’t want to leave the camp empty. If you are interested I will gladly give you a few free classes for your efforts. I know that this is last minute but we’ve already experienced problems with trespassers that have done some damage to the camp. If you are interested please contact Kelly at the Tracker Office and I will call you shortly afterwards. Thanks so much.

Blessings and In Medicine, Tom

The Fixation Point

Hi Folks,

With all that is going on in the world it is easy to get blindsided by something even more sinister than what we are focused upon. Please keep in mind that many people have been so focused on the election that they fail to notice the many other problems that we are facing. The election with all of its drama is just a small part of the horrific things to come and it is important that you don’t focus on just one thing but everything. Grandfather taught us to never so focus on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. He said, “vary your vision” and look from the minute to the majestic. Here he was not talking about what we see but the entirety of our senses. As times grow darker please vary your vision and don’t fall into the Fixation Point trap.

Blessings and In Medicine, Tom


Hi Folks,

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a post and this one is long overdue. Please in the upcoming weeks stay very aware and stay safe. Don’t take chances and as always follow your Inner Vision in making decisions. As many of you know, bad times are coming just as Grandfather said and in the order and time he predicted. I know that all of you can feel the deep unrest and fear in society and it will get much worse. Please use the tools and philosophy you learned from Grandfather; Inner Vision, the Warning Prayer, the Silence and Sensing Presence as you go about your daily lives. I’m praying very hard for the Tracker Family and the World in general. In the very near future I will be doing and emergency online update for all of you.

Meanwhile I’m just putting the finishing touches on the upcoming winter online classes. There are two classes that deal with Grandfather’s life and the way he lived. One is how Grandfather embraced aging as apposed to growing old. The second class is how Grandfather took care of himself as regards to sickness and injury, but more important how he stayed healthy and strong to the very end. The next class deals with the jaw dropping expansion of “The Spirit that moves in and through all things”. As many of you learned during the Emergency Preparedness online class, Grandfather didn’t expand on the power of the “Force” until much later in his teachings and I subsequently followed his way of holding off. This class will be one of the most powerful things that I have offered in the past several years. I’m also doing an online class on Sign Tracking which is at the Soul of Survival. Here in this class I’m going to go into great detail and expansion on the art and science of sign tracking, where most of the class will be new to all of you. And finally I’m working on a class that details the path to a new society once the collapse has taken place. In this class I will detail Grandfather’s teaching and directions on how and when this will take place. A full description of these classes will be out in the next few days along with the dates and times of classes.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe and may the Great Spirit Bless all of your Trails.

In Medicine, Tom